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The Heart of a Beekeeper

The Heart of a Beekeeper

The Heart of a Beekeeper

A passion for the outdoors, for wildlife and for agriculture led Witt Davis to keep bees as a hobby. Witt invests a heavy sum of money and time into what has become one of the best decisions he has ever made.

Jonathan Rakestraw prepares the smoker before he takes it to the hive.

Witt Davis waits for his friend, Jonathan Rakestraw to arrive and help him take apart the hive.

Witt Davis, right, dismounts a super from its brood nest as Johnathon Rakestraw inspects another super for backfilling.

Witt Davis lifts a top super, preparing to extract honey from the hive.

A colony of bees swarm in and out of crevices in stacked supers of a hive.

Witt Davis studies part of a bee colony before uncapping one of its frames.

Witt Davis takes a piece of honeycomb from one of his hives to sample the honey.

Honey extracted from one of Witt Davis' bee hives.

Witt Davis samples the first bit of honey from his hive.

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Portfolio 2015

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